Soon after the miscarriage I started on Red raspberry tea, and still drinking it. I also had lots of ginger on the first week after the miscarriage to help warm my body – a Singaporean Chinese post-natal practice. A miscarriage equates to a mini birth, in my opinion.
I feel the need to share my experience to help with my healing process and also to provide info for others who may need to know what to expect to minimize the fears and confusing and pain.
I was 12.5 weeks pregnant. The midwife couldn’t detect any heartbeat with the fetal Doppler. The next day, I started light spotting with brown traces. The spotting continued for the next 4 days. The midwife was concerned and arranged for a hospital visit.
An informal scan was performed and a pregnancy sac was found but no heartbeat was detected. I had to return the next day for a formal ultra sound scan.
The scan revealed a sac of 9 weeks pregnancy but a 6 weeks fetal development. No heartbeat detected. It was bad news. I opted for a natural miscarriage although the doctor talked like DNC was the natural way to do it. I stood firm by my decision.
The doctor gave a specific instruction: if a fever developed and bleeding is bad, come back to the hospital immediately.
The spotting got heavier the next day. I was at work. However I decided to go home as I didn’t want to be caught out, as I did read that it would come suddenly. On my way home, I bought 2 packs of maternity pad in preparation for the inevitable. That evening, mild cramps and backaches started. It seemed more intense at night.
Cramps stopped during the day but the backache continued. I was a wearing pad in preparation for that moment, the whole time. That night, the cramps and backache intensified. After midnight, I woke from my sleep, I could feel the pad soaking. I couldn't get up fast enough to the toilet to check it out. Sitting on the toilet bowl, clots of tissue were dropping rapidly into the toilet bowl. I had to change pad every 3 hours. More tissue dropped out each time I went to the toilet. The cramp and backache continued. My tummy did feel flatter. I hardly had any sleep after that.
The next day, I was exhausted from the lack of sleep. Bleeding was heavy but it wasn’t soaking heavy. By end of the day, there was hardly any bleeding. I thought the miscarriage was over. But I couldn't be more wrong. The cramps in the tummy were increasing painful. The cramps intensified as the sun set further. At the end of the evening, the hot-water bottle was refilled 4 times just to ease a bit of the most intense pain. The cramps got worse after midnight, and there was an intense pain at the lower pelvis. The feeling was a mixture of bad constipation and intense menstrual cramps. I was going to the toilet every 15 minutes to try to push something out. I was in intense pain when I lied down to get some sleep. This went on all night. At one point, I just wanted to sleep sitting on the toilet bowl out of the exhaustion. I was worn out by the numerous trips to the loo and the none relenting pain. At 3am. the pain was progressively intensifying every minute, and the waves of cramps had now turned into a continual sharp pain at the lower pelvis. The backache was a mild pain in comparison. At one point, I thought I was dying. I nearly called an ambulance. Thousands of thoughts came to my mind – maybe I was constipated and that I need to go for a walk to get things moving. So I started walking around the round, jumped up and down, squatting, did every possible things that came to mind to ease the pain. At the same time, I felt that something was trying to come out but it was kinda of stuck. This was because the pain was felt specifically at the lower pelvis area.
Finally at about 5:30am, when I was squatting on the bedroom floor to ease the tummy pain, I suddenly felt a sharp pain at the opening of the cervix, something was trying to squeeze through the hole. I couldn’t bring myself to the toilet quick enough. As soon as I sat on the toilet bowl, a piece of something dropped out – it was the size of a hand-span. Unlike other tissues I passed out previously, it was in one big piece. The bleeding returned. As soon as that thing passed out, my entire being relaxed, and the cramps eased soon after. I suspected it was probably the sac with the placenta but I was absoluted knackered. All I had energy for was to crawl back into bed to catch some rest. I flushed it down the toilet bowl.
I slept till mid morning the next day. The pain was gone but I felt sore muscles around the tummy. The bleeding continued. I was weak. My tummy was bloated all day and continued into the evening. I was physically weak, mentally in a state of blur.
The next day, the bloatedness continued along with physical exhaustion. The bleeding had now turned into heavy spotting.
The bloated tummy finally went away after my bowel was cleared. So, it was probably caused by the constipation. Spotting got heavy each time I stood too long or walked for about 5 minutes continuously or when I mildly exerted myself. But I only needed to change the pad twice a day for hygiene reasons.
I'm sorry to hear of your loss of baby due to miscarriage. I have found your detailed account of miscarrying naturally to be helpful. I, too, have discovered at nine weeks that my baby stopped developing at six and a half weeks. The ten week ultrasound showed no changes in the sack or baby even though I had been bleeding for a week. So it's called a missed miscarriage.
The doctor gave me to option of using Cytotec. I researched the option of using the medication to spur the miscarriage process, but I decided against it as it has some awful possible side effects such as a ruptured uterus. (It's commonly used to induce labor here in the States although it's banned for that purpose in parts of Europe. FYI, Cytotec is a drug used for stomach ulcers, but is used in an off label way by obstetricians.) My research has led me to call it an evil drug that shouldn't be used for inducing labor. There are law suits for results of the death of the baby and sometimes the mother. Not that spurring a miscarriage is the same thing, but....
I have a D & C scheduled for Aug. 13 as my husband is out of town of business. I have thought that maybe there is a way to get the process of natural miscarriage going. After reading your story, I figure I'll just wait and see. If it happens naturally, so be it. If it doesn't, I'll do the D & C. It would be rather scary to have all the cramping and bleeding while my husband is away.
Hi Stephanie,
I'very sorry to hear the news. I'm very glad that you've decided against cytotec. The body is an amazing thing. It's perfectly designed to detect abnormalities although it might not happen instantly. My husband slept through most of my worst experience but he was there in case I needed him. I totally understand your fears going through the crampings and bleeding alone. Since you're scheduled for 13th August, the miscarriage might take place before that. However, I know you'll choose the best option for yourself and take care.
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