Sunday, August 3, 2008

morning sickness and B6

I experienced morning sickness all day last Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

As I’m sitting typing, I can feel it coming again. I can’t do much except lying on bed or on the couch all day and rest. Movements seem to bring on the sickness faster.

According to research, taking vitamin B6 does help to ease morning sickness. I sip some organic raw milk when it hits and it seems to ease the churning for a short. The best way to not get morning sickness I found is to stay in bed and not move too much!  


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pregnancy and heightened sense of smell

These days, I can't the smell of dinner after dinner.

Last night, Matt cooked liver for dinner. I usually have no problem with the smell of liver. That night, I kept smelling liver in my sleep, and I even dreamt about liver. I felt so sick in my sleep. Then I woke up from the sleep. I could smell cooked liver from dinner - it was coming from Matt's jersey. I had to open the bedroom windows in the middle of a cold winter for fresh air and put his jersey out of the room. My stomach was churning big time. I felt totoally nauseous. It only settled down after I had a cup of warm water.

I can't stand the thoughts of food as it tends to trigger a sense of smell which makes me sick.

The body is funny at the moment. I'm 6 weeks pregnant.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Present Diet

My daily diet consists of tiger’s milk if I can be bothered to make it in the morning. Otherwise, I’ll have a cup of raw milk yogurt. I also try to include bone broth in my diet daily, either in rice porridge or soup. We have organ meats, especially liver at least once a week. We also include lamb’s kidney and chicken hearts in our diet. I take cod liver oil daily and folic acid supplement as instructed by the mid-wife. I’m in two minds about taking supplements but I suppose the risk is too high in the event of insufficient folic acid in my diet. I also drink Kombucha, and take lacto fermented food.

Discomfort and concerns

The tummy was rather sore last night. I did a rather big one this morning. Since, my tummy hasn’t felt too bad. At the moment, I prefer soupy food to solid food. Also, there was a slight spotting this morning - just a trace of blood. I’ve given up being concerned with traces of spotting as it’s out of my control. Besides, if the pregnancy isn’t successful I would rather the body picks up the signal sooner than later. It’s less traumatic for me, anyway.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Extreme Tiredness

I have been plagued with extreme tiredness since week 5 of the pregnancy which started last Thursday. It hits the hardest from 1pm to 3pm daily.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Sore Tummy

Tummy been sore this week continously, week 4 of the the pregnancy. I'm quite regular at the moment.

I remember getting weeks of tummy ache during the first pregnancy at week 3, week 4 and week 5. I was badly constipated the first time round.

A quick search on the internet revealed that it's quite common to get stomach ache during pregnant. It's apparently a kind of morning sickness.

Monday, July 21, 2008


According to the Weston A Price Pregnancy diet, I'll need 3 - 4 ounces of fresh liver weekly.

1 ounce = 28g
4 ounces=112g

I’ll need 112g of fresh liver once or twice weekly.

A lot of fantastic information on why pregnant women should eat liver.

I'm Pregnant!

The doctor has confirmed the pregnancy! However, she warned against being too excited as every pregnancy these days has a 50% chance of a miscarriage. But I don't think this will stop me from sharing the information with close friends as I need their support most at the worst scenario.

I just have to hold my excitment for another 8 weeks as the chance of miscarriage is reduced by then. While at the doctor, I've requested for Vitamin D and B12 tested along with the routine pregnancy blood test.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Pain and stain

The period is 5 days overdue. This evening, I'm feeling a bit of lower abdominal pain and there is slight staining. I can feel fluid flowing down. A pad is in place just in case.

Funny thing is, I'm feeling nausea at the moment.

Although slight staining is normal but when accompanied by lower abdominal pain is not good. Probably, my body is not ready for another pregnancy. I'm trying to be as pragmatic as possible. I've prayed to God and asking for a miracle if it's at all possible.

I'll make an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Great Anticipation

My period is now 3 days overdue. I’ll give it another 2 days before making an appointment with the doctor. I need to remind myself to get the blood tested for B12 and Vitamin D.

To ensure that I supply the body all essential nutrient, I’m trying to eat a nutrient dense diet with a daily intake of 2 raw egg yolks, Cod liver oil day, lacto fermented dairy and vegetables products,and fresh fruits and vegetables.

The focus is to get enough Vitamin A, Vitamin D and folic acid to the body in the event that there is a bun baking.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

More pregnancy symptoms

Mild morning sickness started this week and it hasn’t gone away. I have been waking up around 2am everyday for the last week feeling absolutely toasted regardless of the climatic temperature. I decided to take my temperature at 2am and it read 36.3°C. But, at 7am it will read 36.6°C. The body has an amazing mechanism to cool the system down.

My 28 cycle should start again today but only the slightest brown spotting arrived. I’m not sure how much the miscarriage 2 months ago has mucked up my regular cycle. I’ll wait till next Monday before making an appointment to see my doctor. It’s all very exciting.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More symptoms

My body temperature gets extra hot in the night even when the outdoor temperature was -2°C. It started 2 nights ago. I’m getting a feeling of heartburn – an uncommon feeling for me.


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

pregnancy Symptoms

I started feeling nausea mid day yesterday. Last night, in the middle of a freezing winter, I felt so hot. And I’m feeling nausea again mid day today. These are very similar to the pregnancy symptoms I had the first time round. We’ll see….


Fertility Awareness

So, how do I know that I’ve ovulated? We use the fertility Awareness method of measuring and charting my base temperature in the morning. This is Matt’s responsibility.

My body temperature is around 36.2°C when menstruating, and it will rise to about 36.7°C when ovulating. It usually hovers between 36.6°C and 36.7°C until the next menstrual cycle beings.

The high temperature is the result of the production of progesterone - a sex hormone produced in women, first by the corpus luteum of the ovary to prepare the womb for the fertilized ovum, and later by the placenta to maintain pregnancy. If the ovum isn’t fertilized, then the menstrual cycle will start, and hormone estrogen will take over, and the base temperate will drop to 36.2°C. And the whole cycle will repeat again

Even if I suspect that I’m pregnant now (due to all the pregnacy symptoms), I won’t know for sure until the next menstrual cycle is due as the pregnancy test kit measures the level of progesterone in my body. But if my menstrual didn’t come, and the body temperate reminds between 36.6°C and 36.7°C, then the result from the pregnancy test would more or less be accurate

Post Miscarriage

After the miscarriage, I continue to eat nutrient dense food (raw milk, raw yogurt, eggs etc), drink red raspberry leave tea, take cod liver oil daily. My menstrual cycle started 28 days after the miscarriage. And I ovulated in that same cycle. I’m so pleased that my body has recovered so quickly.

Although the mid-wife advised to wait for 3 cycles before TTC (trying to conceive), the results from my research on the internet lead me to the conclusion that if my body is healthy, there are absolutely no problems trying. Also, I’m of the opinion that if the body isn’t ready for it, then I won’t get pregnant.

Emotionally, I recovered surprising quickly from the experience. I can think of a few reasons. I didn't keep the news from my friends and it was really good to get their prayers and support when the pregnancy didn't work out. I did adopt a wait and see attitude till the first scan at week twelve. Reading the forums on other mothers' experiences and how they coped with their miscarriages and writing down my own experience have really helped me to get it out of my system. Having the faith and knowledge that God's design is perfect, I'm thankful that the body knows when not to allow unhealthy conception to continue.

Natural Miscarriage

This pregnancy ended in a natural miscarriage in Mid-May 2008. Spotting started on 8th May, a natural miscarriage took place a week later. The total period was exactly 2 weeks

Soon after the miscarriage I started on Red raspberry tea, and still drinking it. I also had lots of ginger on the first week after the miscarriage to help warm my body – a Singaporean Chinese post-natal practice. A miscarriage equates to a mini birth, in my opinion.

I feel the need to share my experience to help with my healing process and also to provide info for others who may need to know what to expect to minimize the fears and confusing and pain.

I was 12.5 weeks pregnant. The midwife couldn’t detect any heartbeat with the fetal Doppler. The next day, I started light spotting with brown traces. The spotting continued for the next 4 days. The midwife was concerned and arranged for a hospital visit.

An informal scan was performed and a pregnancy sac was found but no heartbeat was detected. I had to return the next day for a formal ultra sound scan.

The scan revealed a sac of 9 weeks pregnancy but a 6 weeks fetal development. No heartbeat detected. It was bad news. I opted for a natural miscarriage although the doctor talked like DNC was the natural way to do it. I stood firm by my decision.

The doctor gave a specific instruction: if a fever developed and bleeding is bad, come back to the hospital immediately.

I started searching the internet for information on a natural miscarriage. All I could find were expect heavy bleed suddenly, and cramps.

The spotting got heavier the next day. I was at work. However I decided to go home as I didn’t want to be caught out, as I did read that it would come suddenly. On my way home, I bought 2 packs of maternity pad in preparation for the inevitable. That evening, mild cramps and backaches started. It seemed more intense at night.

Cramps stopped during the day but the backache continued. I was a wearing pad in preparation for that moment, the whole time. That night, the cramps and backache intensified. After midnight, I woke from my sleep, I could feel the pad soaking. I couldn't get up fast enough to the toilet to check it out. Sitting on the toilet bowl, clots of tissue were dropping rapidly into the toilet bowl. I had to change pad every 3 hours. More tissue dropped out each time I went to the toilet. The cramp and backache continued. My tummy did feel flatter. I hardly had any sleep after that.

The next day, I was exhausted from the lack of sleep. Bleeding was heavy but it wasn’t soaking heavy. By end of the day, there was hardly any bleeding. I thought the miscarriage was over. But I couldn't be more wrong. The cramps in the tummy were increasing painful. The cramps intensified as the sun set further. At the end of the evening, the hot-water bottle was refilled 4 times just to ease a bit of the most intense pain. The cramps got worse after midnight, and there was an intense pain at the lower pelvis. The feeling was a mixture of bad constipation and intense menstrual cramps. I was going to the toilet every 15 minutes to try to push something out. I was in intense pain when I lied down to get some sleep. This went on all night. At one point, I just wanted to sleep sitting on the toilet bowl out of the exhaustion. I was worn out by the numerous trips to the loo and the none relenting pain. At 3am. the pain was progressively intensifying every minute, and the waves of cramps had now turned into a continual sharp pain at the lower pelvis. The backache was a mild pain in comparison. At one point, I thought I was dying. I nearly called an ambulance. Thousands of thoughts came to my mind – maybe I was constipated and that I need to go for a walk to get things moving. So I started walking around the round, jumped up and down, squatting, did every possible things that came to mind to ease the pain. At the same time, I felt that something was trying to come out but it was kinda of stuck. This was because the pain was felt specifically at the lower pelvis area.

Finally at about 5:30am, when I was squatting on the bedroom floor to ease the tummy pain, I suddenly felt a sharp pain at the opening of the cervix, something was trying to squeeze through the hole. I couldn’t bring myself to the toilet quick enough. As soon as I sat on the toilet bowl, a piece of something dropped out – it was the size of a hand-span. Unlike other tissues I passed out previously, it was in one big piece. The bleeding returned. As soon as that thing passed out, my entire being relaxed, and the cramps eased soon after. I suspected it was probably the sac with the placenta but I was absoluted knackered. All I had energy for was to crawl back into bed to catch some rest. I flushed it down the toilet bowl.

I slept till mid morning the next day. The pain was gone but I felt sore muscles around the tummy. The bleeding continued. I was weak. My tummy was bloated all day and continued into the evening. I was physically weak, mentally in a state of blur.

The next day, the bloatedness continued along with physical exhaustion. The bleeding had now turned into heavy spotting.

The bloated tummy finally went away after my bowel was cleared. So, it was probably caused by the constipation. Spotting got heavy each time I stood too long or walked for about 5 minutes continuously or when I mildly exerted myself. But I only needed to change the pad twice a day for hygiene reasons.

The spotting continued for a few days, and it got progressively lighter and it stopped completely 2 weeks into the miscarriage. An utrasound sound scan showed that the miscarriage had taken place successfully.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Good Bowel movements

I battle with constipation as long as I can remember.
But then, the last week, it suddenly becomes regular.
The only two things I have been consuming regularly are: A glass of water with apple cider vinegar when gets up in the morning, and a glass of organic homemade yoghurt. This seems to get things moving. Very interesting. Is this a symptom of an onset of miscarriage? My good friend, Tara did mention that the bowel will clear when a birth is due.

week 13 - The Verdict

With much excitement and fears we stepped foot into the hospital for the ultrasound scan. Being previously instructed, I ensured that the bladder was full. We didn’t wait long, and soon, we were ushered into a dim room with a more advanced machine than that one we saw the day before. Without much delay, the ultrasound expert started with the ultrasound scan.

First we saw the uterus. It was the expected size. Then we had to SEARCH for the fetus. It was only a lump. The computer measurements estimated 6 weeks worth of growth. So it wasn’t good at all. Personally, I wasn’t surprised but Matt was rather disappointed. The ultrasound expert refused to draw a conclusion, and a senior ultrasound specialist was called into the room to confirm the scan. With more jelly and more scanning, the verdict was passed. I laughed. Not sure why I did that. Maybe that’s my way of coping with the bad news.

Then, we were given instructions to go to the Women Health section of the hospital. More blood tests, blood pressure test. Then the options were presented: D & C or a natural miscarriage. The choice was clear as daylight – natural miscarriage. That’s God’s design, and Matt & I want it that way.

The doctor wants to monitor my miscarriage progress, so I have to return to the hospital next Monday.

After the hospital visit, all I could think of is : What should I do to prevent soiling the place when the miscarriage struck? Apparently when it happens, blood POURS out from the uterus.

I’m now stocked up with maternity pads (with a pack in my bag for emergency purpose).

Watch the space for miscarriage updates.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

week 13 sight of heartbeat

I started spotting end of week 12 after the midwife couldn’t find the heartbeat with the Doppler. It went on for 4 days. It got heavier on day 4. I contacted the midwife who immediately made arrangement for a scan at the hospital. This was on Sunday, Mother’s day, and Matt’s birthday. Funny isn’t it??


The scan showed a sac and maybe something inside. There wasn’t any sign of heartbeat. Not so good news. Those doctors on duty refused to make any conclusion except that a formal scan is required. Matt and I didn’t think that was good news but we’ll come back for the formal scan to receive the verdict. L


The doctor took some blood to test the pregnancy hormone level and other stuff.


Matt and I prayed prior coming to the hospital. We’re also well supported by our group of church friends. If the child heartbeat isn’t detected at the formal scan, it could mean 2 things. For one, the machine isn’t detecting it. Secondly, the baby isn’t alive.


Because there is a 50% chance that it’s still alive, I’ve decided to go through with a natural miscarriage. I believe God’s has designed the body to dispel what isn’t working inside. The midwife said that 2 weeks of heavy bleeding could be expected. After that if excessive bleeding continues maybe some traces of the pregnancy is still left behind in the womb, a D & C is required. I’m comfortable with that.


At the moment, we’re still hoping against hope. In worst case scenario, Matt still have his lovely wife around, also mean that she can get pregnant again. So, it really isn’t the end of the world. The worst thing is to break the news to the potential grandparents.  

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Last day of week 12

I’m spotting a bit today…a bit of backache…a bit to stomach cramp…tired.

All things are in God’s hand. J


I seem to be getting sore back easily these days. It’s usually extra bad after I sat on the floor. I mentioned that to the midwife who made me demonstrate my sitting posture. Then, the cause of the backache became clear. I usually sit crossed-legged. Apparently, during pregnancy all the joints become very flexible, and this sitting posture causes the back muscles to stretch too much thus resulting in backache. The midwife suggests that if I have to sit on the floor, the best posture is to bring the knees to the chest, try to keep the legs together as much as possible…how does that work when the stomach gets bigger?? J

Week 12 - heartbeat or not?

Matt and I were gearing ourselves to the midwife visit during week 12 to hear the baby heartbeat through the fetal Doppler. The midwife finally arrived, and she pulled out the Doppler, and she searched, and searched and searched, but we couldn’t hear any heartbeat.


Needless to say I was probably more concerned than disappointed. The worst scenario came to my mind. But the midwife, being a believer of Jesus Christ, reminded me to be anxious of nothing. That was a great reminder although it is hard to put into practice. Matt, however, didn’t seem to be too worried at all, as he felt the peace of God.


The midwife will come back in a week’s time to search for the heartbeat. The clock is ticking again!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Week 11- Spotting

Morning Sickness isn’t a problem anymore except the odd moments of aversion towards certain food or thoughts of food. I’m not feeling as hungry as before and so not needing to eat as much as before. The development of placenta takes up huge energy from the body, I think.  


Starting spotting on the 3rd day of week 11 – noticed traces of dried blood stain on my undergarment. Still noticing some staining on day 4.


The midwife said there’s nothing to worry about. But if the bleeding gets more serious couples with menstrual cramps then she should be informed. In that event, a scan may be necessary to check that the baby is okay. Meanwhile, I shouldn’t be lifting anything heavy. I might have overtaxed myself while gardening over the weekend. I spent 3 days clearing and preparing the veg beds for winter planting.



Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Week 10

Since I passed week 10, the morning sickness hasn’t struck as severely as the last 4 weeks. I’ve been cooking dinners this week much to the relief of my husband! J


Yesterday I started taking MICRO Genics Pregnancy multivitamin with Tuna Oil

At the back of my mind, I keep having the fear that I may not be eating enough of the essential and important minerals/vitamins for the growing fetus.


I also starting to feel a bit dizzy these days maybe I need more iron…

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Abdominal pain/Weight problems

Last night, I was awake from my sleep by a sharp abdominal pain. The sharp pain lasted about an hour (or maybe less – it felt like eternality though!!) and followed by a nagging pain all night. It went away after Matt prayed for me but returned a while later. The pain resembled a gastric attack that I used to have during my teenage years. The pain is still there even now….


Consulted the midwife this morning and the conclusion is that it probably isn’t related to the pregnancy and there’s nothing she could do about it. The given advise it to see my doctor if the pain persists.


Adolescent flashback:  

During my teenage years, I was obsessed with losing weight. I weight 55-56kgs with a height of 1.62m. I wasn’t skinny neither was I fat. But I was a lot bigger than most of my peers. So, I starved, took laxative tablets to empty my bowel which gave me a false sense of slimness, and I exercised like mad. Accompanied by bad dietary habits, I suffered the occasional gastric attacks which would send me rolling in bed in excruciating pain. I felt the same pain last night.


Note: At one stage my weight went down to 49kg, and I felt weak and lacked any physical strength. I feel optimal when I weight about 52kg.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cooking classes

I have now enrolled Matt in two cooking classes. He think is a GREAT idea!!


I’m waiting in great anticipation to yummy Middle Eastern Cuisines and Malaysian style food that Matt is going to churn out in a few months time J

Monday, April 14, 2008

Week 7

General Feeling:

Extreme tiredness

Nauseous in the evening (from 5pm onwards)

Hunger pangs…



Craving sour tasting food – mee siam, Cambodian lemongrass soup, tomyum soup

Had cod liver oil once this week

Eat a lot of green leafy vegetables daily (not sure if this is enough folic acid – haven’t taken the folic acid tablets for a week)

Eat a bit of organ meat – especially liver and chicken hearts

Boiled up some lamb stock on Saturday

Cutting down on carbohydrates to avoid piling up unnecessary weight



The hungry pang will suddenly strike and then I NEED to eat – but I can’t eat just anything,  it has to be food are appealing. At the moment, I don’t think the look, thought of tomatoes. I can’t eat fresh tomatoes but I can eat baked beans in tomato sauce. Funny isn’t it????


I’m hungry but if it makes me more than 10 minutes to make something, I can’t eat it anymore. The smell will overwhelm me, and make me sick. The last few weeks, my husband and I have been eating out…unfortunately cooking isn’t one of his interests nor strengths…and I NEED FOOD, so eat out is the only option. I’m definitely sending him to a cooking class – don’t tell him, it’s will be his coming birthday present….a paid cooking course J





That's how I feel most evening!!

...except that I have a TV remote in my hand!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Week 8 - Can't fit most of my trousers now

I weight 60 at present…the heaviest I have ever been.


Just bought my first pair of maternal trousers – size 10 (NZ), and it’s so comfy J



Sunday, March 30, 2008

Week 5 & Week 6

I was plagued with morning sickness most part of the day, but it was usually worst at night.


Then, there was the sudden onset of extreme tiredness whereby I had to take a short nap no matter where I was.  


On top of that, every few hours I would be struck with some sort of sudden hunger and I needed to eat something to remove that discomfort.


I didn’t have much sleep these 2 weeks – not sure why, just couldn’t sleep. I could only pinpoint of many causes: I felt so hot all the time.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Diet for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers

Matt & I have been on a raw milk diet for the last 6 months. We added cod liver oil, sauerkraut into our diet a few months ago. This is a diet recommended by the Weston Price Organisation. We have 5 laying chooks that supply our eggs. The diet below sounds a bit outragous but I'm going to give it a try nevertheless because many pregnant mothers had had it with great success resulting in very healthy mothers and babies.

The Pregnancy diet:
Cod Liver Oil to supply 20,000 IU vitamin A and 2000 IU vitamin D per day

1 quart (or 32 ounces) whole milk daily, preferably raw and from pasture-fed cows (learn more about raw milk on our website, A Campaign for Real Milk,

4 tablespoons butter daily, preferably from pasture-fed cows

2 or more eggs daily, preferably from pastured chickens

Additional egg yolks daily, added to smoothies, salad dressings, scrambled eggs, etc.

3-4 ounces fresh liver, once or twice per week (If you have been told to avoid liver for fear of getting "too much Vitamin A," be sure to read Vitamin A Saga)

Fresh seafood, 2-4 times per week, particularly wild salmon, shellfish and fish eggs

Fresh beef or lamb daily, always consumed with the fat

Oily fish or lard daily, for vitamin D

2 tablespoons coconut oil daily, used in cooking or smoothies, etc.

Lacto-fermented condiments and beverages

Bone broths used in soups, stews and sauces

Soaked whole grains

Fresh vegetables and fruits

Trans fatty acids (e.g., hydrogenated oils)
Junk foods
Commercial fried foods
White flour
Soft drinks
Drugs (even prescription drugs)

Monday, March 10, 2008

I AM pregnant

The doctor confirmed out suspicions.

The dilemma was whether to share it with families and friends at the first trimester. So many friends have been praying for us, for months, so we came to the decision that we will share our joy sooner than later. Also, in the event that we need any emotional support, they will be there too.

I'm suddenly very aware of hygiene - washing of hands and food handling. It hasn't been difficult to be careful, it just comes naturally, and I'm highly motivated.

It's a strange feeling thinking that i'm pregnant - that there is indeed a new life developing and growing inside of me. Wow, it's an awesome feeling. I was inspired to read Psalm 139.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

I may be pregnant!!

My sleep has been interrupted by the oozing heat generated from within my body the last two weeks. It's autumn, and the temperature was worst earlier in the season and I didn't feel half as hot.

Last week, I felt queasy twice at work from lunch time onwards.

Meanwhile, the breasts were feeling a bit tender - I usually feel that a few days before my cycle starts.

On Friday, I missed the first day of my expected 28 days menstral cycle. That evening, a few drops of blood spotted. It was a bit of a dried blood.

On Saturday, still no sign of a menstration. Unusual for me.

Since Friday night, I resisted the urge to do a pregnacy test, but gave in on Saturday morning. Clearblue came to my assistance - it was a 1 minute that seem to take eternality!

Then there was a clear blue line across, and then a magical light blue line started emerging. It was very light but there was color- it was sort of a mild "plus" appeared. Thinking that I was deluded, I showed it to my mother in law who happened to be a trained nurse and was visiting from Auckland. She thought it was a Plus. I then showed it to my neighbor, a trained nurse, and she confirmed it. I still didn't believe them.

On Sunday (today), there is a constant metalic taste in my mouth. And I have been visiting the toilet all day. So, am I pregnant?

Not sure. Just sent Matt (my husband) to get another ClearBlue pregnancy test kit. I need to do it again. But, not sure why I should bother because I had booked to see my GP tomorrow a week ago but for a different reason. Suppose any aspiring mum would understand that need to confirm and double confirm that indeed there is a baby on the way....

The verdict: