Sunday, April 27, 2008

Week 11- Spotting

Morning Sickness isn’t a problem anymore except the odd moments of aversion towards certain food or thoughts of food. I’m not feeling as hungry as before and so not needing to eat as much as before. The development of placenta takes up huge energy from the body, I think.  


Starting spotting on the 3rd day of week 11 – noticed traces of dried blood stain on my undergarment. Still noticing some staining on day 4.


The midwife said there’s nothing to worry about. But if the bleeding gets more serious couples with menstrual cramps then she should be informed. In that event, a scan may be necessary to check that the baby is okay. Meanwhile, I shouldn’t be lifting anything heavy. I might have overtaxed myself while gardening over the weekend. I spent 3 days clearing and preparing the veg beds for winter planting.



Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Week 10

Since I passed week 10, the morning sickness hasn’t struck as severely as the last 4 weeks. I’ve been cooking dinners this week much to the relief of my husband! J


Yesterday I started taking MICRO Genics Pregnancy multivitamin with Tuna Oil

At the back of my mind, I keep having the fear that I may not be eating enough of the essential and important minerals/vitamins for the growing fetus.


I also starting to feel a bit dizzy these days maybe I need more iron…

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Abdominal pain/Weight problems

Last night, I was awake from my sleep by a sharp abdominal pain. The sharp pain lasted about an hour (or maybe less – it felt like eternality though!!) and followed by a nagging pain all night. It went away after Matt prayed for me but returned a while later. The pain resembled a gastric attack that I used to have during my teenage years. The pain is still there even now….


Consulted the midwife this morning and the conclusion is that it probably isn’t related to the pregnancy and there’s nothing she could do about it. The given advise it to see my doctor if the pain persists.


Adolescent flashback:  

During my teenage years, I was obsessed with losing weight. I weight 55-56kgs with a height of 1.62m. I wasn’t skinny neither was I fat. But I was a lot bigger than most of my peers. So, I starved, took laxative tablets to empty my bowel which gave me a false sense of slimness, and I exercised like mad. Accompanied by bad dietary habits, I suffered the occasional gastric attacks which would send me rolling in bed in excruciating pain. I felt the same pain last night.


Note: At one stage my weight went down to 49kg, and I felt weak and lacked any physical strength. I feel optimal when I weight about 52kg.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cooking classes

I have now enrolled Matt in two cooking classes. He think is a GREAT idea!!


I’m waiting in great anticipation to yummy Middle Eastern Cuisines and Malaysian style food that Matt is going to churn out in a few months time J

Monday, April 14, 2008

Week 7

General Feeling:

Extreme tiredness

Nauseous in the evening (from 5pm onwards)

Hunger pangs…



Craving sour tasting food – mee siam, Cambodian lemongrass soup, tomyum soup

Had cod liver oil once this week

Eat a lot of green leafy vegetables daily (not sure if this is enough folic acid – haven’t taken the folic acid tablets for a week)

Eat a bit of organ meat – especially liver and chicken hearts

Boiled up some lamb stock on Saturday

Cutting down on carbohydrates to avoid piling up unnecessary weight



The hungry pang will suddenly strike and then I NEED to eat – but I can’t eat just anything,  it has to be food are appealing. At the moment, I don’t think the look, thought of tomatoes. I can’t eat fresh tomatoes but I can eat baked beans in tomato sauce. Funny isn’t it????


I’m hungry but if it makes me more than 10 minutes to make something, I can’t eat it anymore. The smell will overwhelm me, and make me sick. The last few weeks, my husband and I have been eating out…unfortunately cooking isn’t one of his interests nor strengths…and I NEED FOOD, so eat out is the only option. I’m definitely sending him to a cooking class – don’t tell him, it’s will be his coming birthday present….a paid cooking course J





That's how I feel most evening!!

...except that I have a TV remote in my hand!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Week 8 - Can't fit most of my trousers now

I weight 60 at present…the heaviest I have ever been.


Just bought my first pair of maternal trousers – size 10 (NZ), and it’s so comfy J