Monday, May 12, 2008

Good Bowel movements

I battle with constipation as long as I can remember.
But then, the last week, it suddenly becomes regular.
The only two things I have been consuming regularly are: A glass of water with apple cider vinegar when gets up in the morning, and a glass of organic homemade yoghurt. This seems to get things moving. Very interesting. Is this a symptom of an onset of miscarriage? My good friend, Tara did mention that the bowel will clear when a birth is due.

week 13 - The Verdict

With much excitement and fears we stepped foot into the hospital for the ultrasound scan. Being previously instructed, I ensured that the bladder was full. We didn’t wait long, and soon, we were ushered into a dim room with a more advanced machine than that one we saw the day before. Without much delay, the ultrasound expert started with the ultrasound scan.

First we saw the uterus. It was the expected size. Then we had to SEARCH for the fetus. It was only a lump. The computer measurements estimated 6 weeks worth of growth. So it wasn’t good at all. Personally, I wasn’t surprised but Matt was rather disappointed. The ultrasound expert refused to draw a conclusion, and a senior ultrasound specialist was called into the room to confirm the scan. With more jelly and more scanning, the verdict was passed. I laughed. Not sure why I did that. Maybe that’s my way of coping with the bad news.

Then, we were given instructions to go to the Women Health section of the hospital. More blood tests, blood pressure test. Then the options were presented: D & C or a natural miscarriage. The choice was clear as daylight – natural miscarriage. That’s God’s design, and Matt & I want it that way.

The doctor wants to monitor my miscarriage progress, so I have to return to the hospital next Monday.

After the hospital visit, all I could think of is : What should I do to prevent soiling the place when the miscarriage struck? Apparently when it happens, blood POURS out from the uterus.

I’m now stocked up with maternity pads (with a pack in my bag for emergency purpose).

Watch the space for miscarriage updates.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

week 13 sight of heartbeat

I started spotting end of week 12 after the midwife couldn’t find the heartbeat with the Doppler. It went on for 4 days. It got heavier on day 4. I contacted the midwife who immediately made arrangement for a scan at the hospital. This was on Sunday, Mother’s day, and Matt’s birthday. Funny isn’t it??


The scan showed a sac and maybe something inside. There wasn’t any sign of heartbeat. Not so good news. Those doctors on duty refused to make any conclusion except that a formal scan is required. Matt and I didn’t think that was good news but we’ll come back for the formal scan to receive the verdict. L


The doctor took some blood to test the pregnancy hormone level and other stuff.


Matt and I prayed prior coming to the hospital. We’re also well supported by our group of church friends. If the child heartbeat isn’t detected at the formal scan, it could mean 2 things. For one, the machine isn’t detecting it. Secondly, the baby isn’t alive.


Because there is a 50% chance that it’s still alive, I’ve decided to go through with a natural miscarriage. I believe God’s has designed the body to dispel what isn’t working inside. The midwife said that 2 weeks of heavy bleeding could be expected. After that if excessive bleeding continues maybe some traces of the pregnancy is still left behind in the womb, a D & C is required. I’m comfortable with that.


At the moment, we’re still hoping against hope. In worst case scenario, Matt still have his lovely wife around, also mean that she can get pregnant again. So, it really isn’t the end of the world. The worst thing is to break the news to the potential grandparents.  

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Last day of week 12

I’m spotting a bit today…a bit of backache…a bit to stomach cramp…tired.

All things are in God’s hand. J


I seem to be getting sore back easily these days. It’s usually extra bad after I sat on the floor. I mentioned that to the midwife who made me demonstrate my sitting posture. Then, the cause of the backache became clear. I usually sit crossed-legged. Apparently, during pregnancy all the joints become very flexible, and this sitting posture causes the back muscles to stretch too much thus resulting in backache. The midwife suggests that if I have to sit on the floor, the best posture is to bring the knees to the chest, try to keep the legs together as much as possible…how does that work when the stomach gets bigger?? J

Week 12 - heartbeat or not?

Matt and I were gearing ourselves to the midwife visit during week 12 to hear the baby heartbeat through the fetal Doppler. The midwife finally arrived, and she pulled out the Doppler, and she searched, and searched and searched, but we couldn’t hear any heartbeat.


Needless to say I was probably more concerned than disappointed. The worst scenario came to my mind. But the midwife, being a believer of Jesus Christ, reminded me to be anxious of nothing. That was a great reminder although it is hard to put into practice. Matt, however, didn’t seem to be too worried at all, as he felt the peace of God.


The midwife will come back in a week’s time to search for the heartbeat. The clock is ticking again!